Deep Screening

Trademark Searching & Business Risk Profiling

Intelligent use of data resources | Expert evaluation | Focus delivered faster


Our Deep Screening service brings together legal and commercial analysis to provide rapid business risk profiling that enables better decision-making, as well as cost reduction where that is a priority.

Working closely with clients, and the best suppliers, we have taken search to a completely new level of sophistication and relevance.  Deep Screening offers the speed of pre-screening with a depth of commercial analysis that produces meaningful insight into business risk, serving as an intelligent complement to Full Availability searches.


Intelligent use of data resources

Our primary research tools are specialized databases and Internet search engines used to deliver legal and commercial analysis and overall business risk profiling. We are expert users of databases such as SAEGIS on SERION and TrademarkNow from which we identify identical marks as well as marks that are visually, phonetically or semantically similar.


Expert evaluation

Our Munich-based legal team makes use of our proprietary platform to review search results and ensure that risks are ranked correctly, based on the data available; our highly skilled research teams also have the linguistic skills needed to cover all major language groups.


Focus delivered faster

Our Deep Screening service utilizes our secure, cloud-based search platform that makes it easy for users to sort, review and select items for further action. Turnaround times naturally vary according to scale and complexity; timescales typically vary from between 1 and 6 weeks.

Our search platform provides varying levels of analysis and a full audit trail of results and actions, enabling you to home in on the key issues and address them efficiently. Cases that require full availability searching can be selected, costed and followed to their conclusion on the platform. Our Search platform has become a key resource for our clients and enables them to make better decisions faster.


If you would like to learn more about Deep Screening please contact us.